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Coronavirus Wisdom: Lessons from the virus!

The Coronavirus has shut down the world. It has caused the death of thousands in China, hundreds in Italy and Iran. It continues to threaten life all over the world. However, there is a lot of wisdom church-goers can gather from the epidemic. Scientists say that Coronavirus spreads by physical contact only. It is not airborne. So, the best way to stay safe is to avoid physical contact. Shaking hands is an import from the West. Before colonialists and missionaries came to our shores (Indian subcontinent) we used to greet each other with folded hands--the Namaste! It is a grand, gracious posture! Why can't we go back to it? Stop passing the kiss of peace which some Christian traditions practice or the holy embrace in other traditions. None of this has any biblical foundations. Yes, Paul wrote to Corinthians 'Greet one another with a holy kiss' (2 Corinthians 13:12), but if he addressed the letter to Bangaloreans, he would have said, 'Greet one another with a holy Na...

Something more serious than Coronovirus!

Coronavirus is dreaded. The dread has affected all aspects of our lives. Hundreds have died, thousands are infected, the economy is on a downturn, international tourism has taken a hit, the list goes on. Why is this virus so dreaded to make the world look for cover? There are many other virus infections known to humans and show their heads again and again. But none of them frightens people so much as this one! There are two main reasons why Coronavirus frightens modern man than any other disease. First, this infection is sure to cause death. Secondly, scientists haven't come up with a cure or vaccine for this virus yet. The fear of this deadly virus is genuine. It comes out of the realization that modern man with all technological advances is still helpless before this puny little virus--puny in size only. However, sin is even more serious. It also causes death. Death not in the sense of the end of life, but even more seriously being cut off from God, the source of life. God...

Some thoughts on suffering

Suffering happens when we lose control over the people and circumstances that cause our suffering. If we had control it would not have happened at all. In many cases of sickness, the medical systems could take control of the sickness to the extent of eradicating it permanently. But however healthy a person is, and however careful that person was in keeping good health, still, sickness does happen. This simply means that no one has absolute control over one's health conditions or any other conditions. Suffering should not be limited to sickness. We suffer due to problems in our relationships with each other. People may walk away from us, may turn hostile, may hurt us, etc all leading to immense suffering. There are no absolute means of living in healthy relationships; even if you try to the other parties may not. We have no control over their behavior. Given this scenario, the first thing that we realize when we go through suffering is the limit of our powers that we sometimes wer...

Tragic stories could end with songs of praise!

The way we face the dire circumstances in our life could lead to the wider glory of God. The story of Daniel illustrates that point well. As in the case of most successful people, Daniel's colleagues envied him . They schemed to trap and destroy him. The Book of Daniel chapter 6 tells us that they forced the king to order that those who pray to anyone other than the king will be destroyed. Daniel’s enemies knew that being a devout Jew, he will not comply and that will lead to his death. Daniel was a person of integrity. He ignored the royal edict and continued with his routine of prayer to his God, Yahweh. His enemies caught him in action. They reported the matter duly to the king. Though the king was reluctant to act against Daniel, they forced the king to act on his own order. Though reluctant, the king ordered that Daniel be thrown into the den of hungry lions. We know the rest of the story well. The lions did not attack Daniel. God had shut their mouths. The king spen...

Chew the scroll up to preach it!

The Book of Revelation is full of strange symbolism and surreal imageries. In Revelation Chapter 10 we have yet another. In this passage Apostle John receives the vision of a huge angel whose one foot is on the sea and another on the land. He can stretch his hand to reach heaven. He lands on the planet with one foot on land and the other on sea with an open scroll in his hands. A voice commands John to approach the angel to ask for the scroll. The angel gives him the little scroll with the command that he should eat it. John obeys the angel and eats the entire scroll. It was rather easy to eat the small scroll since it was sweet in his mouth, but it was difficult to hold it in his body since it had become bitter in his stomach. Centuries back, prophet Ezekiel had a similar experience at the beginning of his prophetic career (Ezek 3:1-3). Just as Ezekiel was told, John was also told that, 'you must again prophesy about many peoples and nations and languages and kings' (Rev 1...

Why do we pray 'Give us today our daily bread'?

What does the prayer “give us our daily bread” mean when we have the bread for the day? Not only for today but for tomorrow and many days more. This may look as a meaningless prayer to people who don’t know hunger and starvation. It doesn't make sense to people who always had more than what they need. This prayer may look meaningless for those who have the power to control their lives. Still, the Lord taught us to pray “give us our daily bread.” Don’t dismiss this as a prayer for the first century Christians who were poorer than us in many ways. Among them were really rich people. There were people who had food and drinks to host huge parties. For example, the sisters of Lazarus, Simon the leper and the list goes on. All these who were rich enough to throw lavish parties in honour of Jesus were also expected to pray this prayer. Rich and poor pray this prayer. Those who are full pray this as though they are hungry, because this prayer is a prayer of humble admission. I...

Laziness the devils weapon!